Raytools LRTM05-BM115M1.5 Auto-Focusing Fiber Laser Cutting Head for Raytools Laser Cutting Machine

Optimized design structure:
The integrated body design ensures sealing.lmprove the QBH optical fiber interface toenhance the compatibility of rhe laser,and no longer get stuck due to water leakage andrust.
Efficient cooling:
Collimating lens and focusing lens group are equipped with cooling structure.at the sametime,the nozzle cooling airflow is increased to effectively protect the nozzle and ceramicbody and extend the continuous working time.
High-speed cutting:
the pre-piercing time of 25mm carbon steel plate is than 2s@8000W.which greatlyimproves the cutting efficiency.
Large clear aperture:
The clear aperture is 36.1mm,which effectively reduces stray light interference andguarantees cutting quality and service life.
Fast zoom:
Using collimation and focusing,compared with focusing and focusing,the focus movesfaster and the focusing range is wider.


Product Description

Raysoar P/N
OEM Ref.No.
OEM Brand
Raytools BM115 QBH 100/150 8KW
Raytools BM115 QBH 100/200 8KW

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